Tuesday, February 19, 2008

chapter 7 & 8 :

In those two chapters JACOBS talked about diversity and how it work in a city, she described diversity as a natural thing to big cities, because larger cities have more diversity and big enterprises have greater self success than small ones. She also described how cities need manufacturing businesses and commercial establishments in order to survive.the bronx was one of the examples that she mentioned about this problem,JACOBS conditions that generate the diversity are quite easy to discover by studing the economic reasons in each place and the great need for these four conditions is the most important point this book has to make. Different people must be on the streets at different times at all times of the day and night to provide the mixed primary uses that are needed. The parks require people doing different things at different times. Same as streets and parks, also stores and other commercial businessess need users and customers. Lower Manhattan is used as an example of people During the lunch hour of the work, places are crowded outside of working hours,This is because there is no balance of the time use and no enough residents at this palces.

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